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Enabling remote connection to MSSQL server on Plesk server


Usually, firewall block all external remote that are connected by default for the security purpose. For instance, it required a remote connection, for that you need to enable the remote access by adding the IP address or subnet in the allowed list.

The MSSQL remote connection is disabled by default.

We have come up with several Plesk related queries as part of our server management plan. We would be delighted to assist you for any server issues with 24/7 technical support.

Let have a peek at the blog to enable MSSQL remote connection and fix the error.

Enabling the MSSQL database remote connection in the Plesk.

  • First, log into the Plesk control panel then create the database in order to access remotely.
  • Click on the Database tab from left-side and then click on the Add Database.
  • Then enter the Database name.
  • After that click and select the Database server type “MSSQL” from the drop-down list.
  • Check whether the create database user is ticked.
  • Enter a Database user name.
  • Enter and ensure the password.
  • On the Remote access, click and choose the Allow remote connection from the option.
  • Then enter the IP addresses or subnets that need to access the remote database access, at last click ok button.

Recently, one of our clients has faced the problem while he connecting to the SQL remotely that is due to remote network connection were disabled for the IP address. Our technical team has resolved the problem by enabling the remote connection for the corresponding IP address through the SQL server configuration.


By this, I conclude that by following the instruction you can enable and fix the error. you can also take our technical team support for any assistance to resolve the error and fix it for them on behalf of you.

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