High Availability Clustering

Are you looking for deploying a cluster architecture with auto-scaling and load balancing for zero downtimes? Our award-winning team will be available to help you out.

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High Availability Clustering Support

The online world is growing, so the demand for a more redundant website and online service is also growing. The sites have now become so big and complex that they cannot be handled over a single machine. Thus they are served using a cluster of servers using a distributed and replicated system to meet the increasing demand in traffic and data handling.

Skynats team is a pioneer in setting up High Availability replicated and distributed systems in both cloud and physical bare-metal servers. We thought the year has implemented high availability architecture in cloud environments like AWS, GCP, Linode, and Digital Ocean. We will take care of the architectural and OS-level operations of the implementation of the High Availability clusters along with assistance at the application level. Along with the implementation, the skynats team will take care of basic security and Optimization of the platform making your online business robust fast, and reliable at all given times. So if you need a website/ application/ online service to be redundant and high availability do connect with us for the best solution custom-made to you.


High Availability skill sets

Architecture Designing

HA can be implemented in a variety of architectures. We at skynats will analyze your current scenario and forecast an architecture that can be easily scalable and is most cost-effective

LoadBalancer Configuration

We are have proved record in configuring software and hardware load balancers for HA environments. Technologies used vary from PCS, HA PROXY, heartbeats, DRBD etc

File System Replication

File system replication is one of the most important parts of an HA cluster. Skynats have proven track of implementing file replication like GlusterFS, CEPH, GFS2, NFS, DRBS, EFS, etc

Database Replication

Most of the applications use databases to store their data. Replicating these data in real-time is a pretty hard task. Skynats take this off your shoulder and complete these tasks with ease.

DevOps Automation

Skynats undertake automation work of DevOps implementation. The tools used for the services will be Ansible which is an agent-less tool backed by Red Hat.


Using On-Demand, Reserved, or Spot Instances, clients can easily reduce the cost and complexity of configuring their HA architectures from our support.

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