DevOps Support

Skynats Technologies, which is having a panel of experts is all set to render you with DevOps services. DevOps is meant to be the set of practices that functions to automate and integrate between the development of the software and IT teams. DevOps helps to build, test, and present software faster and it is proved to be much more reliable. Increased efficiency and reduced cost are the other two advantages of DevOps.

Emergency Support

Docker Support

Docker is an open platform that enables you to make your applications independent from your operating system as you will be able to deliver software quickly. The functions of Docker are developing, shipping, and running applications. Our solutions help you to get away with all the issues when you perform at any stage of the application.

CI/CD pipeline Support

CI/CD pipeline is a series of procedures that will be performed to deliver a new software version. This practice is focusing on improving the performance of software delivery mainly using DevOps. The goal of CI/CD is to make the teams release frequent updates of software into production, to speed up release cycles, cost reduction, and lower the risks associated with development. Skynats team of experts is rendering technical support for CI/CD.

Kubernetes Support

Kubernetes (“K8s” or “Kube”) is considerably an open-source container orchestration platform that automates many manual processes. It organizes work levels within your cluster effectively. Kubernetes has multi-cloud capabilities and that results in increased developer productivity. We provide you with all the support which is related to Kubernetes.

Monitoring & Alerts

Our monitoring system will monitor the implemented resources and notify us of any issues via email or API pushes. Uncomplicated monitoring will enhance the application's performance that will ensure excellent end user experience.

Cloud Integration

DevOps is now being implemented more frequently in cloud-based infrastructures than in traditional ones. With automated workflows, our deployment strategies will help our clients put their apps on any cloud platform. Cost, performance, and security will be taken into account when planning the deployment.

Autonomous System

In order to keep the application cost-effective and secure against threats and challenges, we will proactively make adjustments using our adaptive deployment strategy to continuously analyse, learn, and use the infrastructure resources.

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