February 11, 2021

Enabling remote connection to MSSQL server on Plesk server

          Usually, firewall block all external remote that are connected by default for the security purpose. For instance, it required a remote connection, for that you need to enable the remote access by adding the IP address or subnet in the allowed list. The MSSQL remote connection is disabled by default. We have come up with several Plesk related queries as part of our server management plan. We would be delighted to assist you for

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duf – Disk usage/ free utility for linux, BSD, macOS & windows

      The duf command is used to the how much disk space is available on the mounted file system, i.e in Linux, macOS, Windows and Unix-like systems. This blog helps you to install duf (duf  – Disk usage/ free utility for Linux BSD,macOS & windows). You can refer our server management plan for further details. Features: It is easy to use Colourful output Adjust to your terminal’s width Sort the results as per our needs

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