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How to troubleshoot server down issues

Troubleshooting server down issues is never an easy task. Whether it might be a larger or small network, it’s necessary to take meticulous steps to get the server up.

Struck with server down issues, now you can take assistance from our technical team support to troubleshoot server issues under our server management plan.

Network issues that occur when all the server in a data center goes down. Its leads to unlucky instances. Follow the step to troubleshoot the issues.

How to troubleshoot server down issues

Initially, need to ensure whether it’s a false alert. For this, you need to connect the server via ping or telnet to any of the running port, check and ensure whether the server is down or not.

Run commands to check

ping server ip

telnet serverip port number

For example,


telnet 22

The above command is preferred for all other operating systems i.e Linux, Mac, or Windows.

If the server response well with pings without any data loss, it means that everything working well without any issues. then it’s probably a false alert.

ping -c10
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 326.477/326.477/326.477/0.000 ms

If the server is not responding to pink, then you need the assistance of hosting providers. you can also take our technical team support to sort out the issue on your behalf.

There can be so many reasons for the server being down.

  • High load in the server
  • Faulty equipment
  • High temperature in the DC room
  • Partition being full
  • No disk space in the server
  • Power connection cable

If the server is stuck, a reboot from DC is a better option.

If the server is running up, then it is necessary to know the reason behind the cause. In order to find the reason refer to the below logs location in the server.

For Linux:
/var/log/messages —
dmesg |grep less
For Windows:

If the server is down due to high load (give to spam or number of incoming connections to HTTP), it is necessary to check the incoming connection and block them in the server.

If it is the case of server fsck check it requires time to fix the issue.

They are different reasons for the fsck check running.

  • The complete unmounting ability of the hard disk
  • Using a third-party utility to delete the extended partition
  • Problems with any filesystems
  • Power failure
  • Incomplete shut down
  • Hardware failure

The above causes result in file system operations being incomplete.

Below are the few sample logs we can find in the Linux logs.

Checking all file systems.

[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) — /] fsck.ext3 -a /dev/xvda1
/: clean, 56079/1310720 files, 1243508/2621440 blocks
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) — /var/www/virtual] fsck.ext3 -a /dev/sdf
fsck.ext3: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sdf

If the superblock could not able to read or describe the correct ext2 filesystem and if the device contains a valid ext2 filesystem (but not the swap or ufs) its means the superblock is corrupted.Its request to run e2fsck with an alternate superblock.

e2fsck -b 8193

 After the fsck check, the server will be fine without any issues.


In brief, Network issues that occur when all the server in a data center goes down. Its leads to unlucky instances. Follow the step to troubleshoot the issues. If you still stuck with the issue you can take our technical team support for further assistance.

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