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How to Setup Ubuntu 20.04 in DigitalOcean?

To set up a digital ocean ubuntu droplet you need create a digital ocean account. Once, you have done with setting up the account you need to follow the given steps. In the digital ocean control panel, select the droplet option from the manage menu given on the left side of the digital ocean page.

You can follow the given instruction to transfer the droplet between two accounts. Do you wish to manage your digital ocean account, Here are our technical team experts who are willing to serve their services for 24/7. Check our digital ocean management plan for further information. 

Click on the create droplet option from the menu and proceed with the following steps.

1. Select an image of OS type from the “Choose an image” option. Here we need to create the Ubuntu 20.04 server, So choose the required image option.

.2. Next click on the “Choosing a plan” option. Here, you can find the different types of plans that are available, from this choose the appropriate plan based on your CPU core, RAM, Disk Space Required.

 3. The next step is optional which is “Adding the block storage” – If you need to add file system storage for the creating droplet, for this click on to the add button from the block storage or you can ignore this option. 

4. Click on the “Choosing a datacenter region” option. By default, a datacenter region will be preselected, if you choose a region near you which leads to reduce the latency and increases the performance. 

5. Next click on to the “Selecting additional options” section from where you can enable some additional features for the droplet. 

There are three main options .

 IPV6 –> It enables the IPV6 feature for the droplet, IPV6 is better than IPV4. 

User data –> It is a type of arbitrary data which is written to the user-data field of the digital ocean metadata service. 

Monitoring –> It is used to create an alert policy. If it doesn’t require you can skip this option.

 6. Next step is to ” setting up SSH Authentication” For accessing the server via SSH we need the SSH access, this is the process for setting up the SSH access. Use the previously added ssh key pair in the account or either you can create an SSH key pair. Choose the SSH key-based authentication, which is more secure than the password authentication method.

For this choose the appropriate “SSH keys” from Authentication section, then proceed with “New SSH  key” button and then a new section will be displayed on the screen, copy the public key of the system /terminal for which you need to access the new server droplet.

  The following command is used for generating the new public key in a terminal.


Then the public_key will be stored in the ~/.ssh/ and copy the key and paste it in the “Add public SSH Key” section.
7. Next step is the “Finalize and create ” section” – Select number of droplets that you want to create.

Name of the droplet — Here you can choose the automatically generated name or you can replace the appropriate name.

Add tags – It helps to organize your droplets.

Select project – If you need to assign the droplet to a project you can select the project name from the drop-down menu.

Add backups — If it is necessary you can enable the backups for the droplet.

8. Finally, you can click the “Create droplet” option.

The droplet has been created successfully.

You can access the droplet from the terminal for which you have given SSH access using the IP and password like shown in the droplet resources section above.

For example:

ssh root@IP

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