May 17, 2021

Install Pimcore 10 on Ubuntu 20.04

Pimcore is a fully integrated software stack for CMS, DAM, PIM, and Commerce that is the leading open source platform for managing digital data. Pimcore CMS is a web-based content management system written in PHP that uses MariaDB as its database. As a result, you’ll need to set up latest Nginx, PHP, and MariaDB on your machine. Install Nginx Server and start the server 2. Install latest MariDB and start the server Add MariaDB 10.4

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Chrome Update: Will Use Only HTTPS Version of Website?

Chrome’s address bar can use https:// by default starting with version 90, increasing privacy and also loading speed for users visiting websites that support HTTPS. While manually typing a URL in Chrome, the words “http://” and “https://” is often omitted. In the address bar, for example, users often type “” rather than “” If this was a user’s first visit to a website, Chrome would previously choose http:// as the default protocol1. As most of the

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