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VestaCP Vulnerabilities – June 2018

VestaCP which is an easy opensource web hosting platform has come under scrutiny for the last six months exposing vulnerability which legitimates access to the server by small hacks. The team, on the other hand, has been to release updates and patches to the platform to secure it’s site and server. The latest one of the same has been released on the JUN 24 mitigating API password hash vulnerabilities in VestaCP. Update VestaCP to the latest  0.9.8-22 version which to patch the current VestaCP installation of the venerability. Changelogs involved in version 21 also have many fixes of the same.

Please see the official VestaCP roadmap to know more about the changelog and patches released.
The current version of VestaCP can be checked using the below command.


This command list the current version of three vesta components, If anything below 22 in the REL column is considered to be not safe and is vulnerable. Update vesta to the new version using the command.

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