
How to fix magento2 permission issues?

To fix magento2 permission issues, you can follow these steps: 1.Verify Ownership: Ensure that all Magento files and directories are owned by the correct user and group. The web server user (e.g., Apache or Nginx) should have the appropriate ownership permissions. You can use the following command to set the ownership: 2. Set File Permissions: Configure the file permissions to the recommended settings. Typically, directories should have a permission of 755, and files should have

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Country Based Redirection In Magento using GeoIP

The GeoIP module is used to find which Geolocation or area is used by the IP from IP location database. We can setup country based redirection rule in htaccess for Magento2 which will redirect the required stores to the specific countries.To add rules for country based redirection in Magento we have to install the GeoIP module. The below installation needs to be done on a centos 7 server and if you need this to be

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