
Country Based Redirection In Magento using GeoIP

The GeoIP module is used to find which Geolocation or area is used by the IP from IP location database. We can setup country based redirection rule in htaccess for Magento2 which will redirect the required stores to the specific countries.To add rules for country based redirection in Magento we have to install the GeoIP module. The below installation needs to be done on a centos 7 server and if you need this to be

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Apache vs Nginx – Which is best?

Web servers are software tools that store, process, and deliver web pages to clients. Apache (refers to the ‘Apache HTTP Server) is a secure, open-source, web server application designed for the modern operating system. It was developed by Apache Software Foundation. Apache can be downloaded at no cost. Nginx is a lightweight, open-source HTTP and reverses proxy server and also an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. Working of Apache In order to handle additional connections, Apache creates

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